We Care For You
And Your Health Data

Hygiaso Ltd

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Hygiaso was founded in 2022 to bring to life a novel platform centered around the personal health data of every citizen. 

We believe that in democratic society the individual must be informed about their health and autonomous in their decision as to what personal data they share with whom and for what purpose.

We participate in a public-private consortium ( https://iderha.org) which undertakes a project in the Horizon Europe Innovative Health Initiative together with multinational companies in the Pharma and Medtech sector, as well as academic groups, who share our believe that enabling citizen to freely say yes or no to an informed and specific request for data use is the key to unlock and join health data for research and development across the public and private sector. This work has received funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). 

We are going to raise seed finance to accelerate the development, in parallel to funding through the consortium.

We advise and support our clients in navigating and digitally transforming in the fast evolving domain of technology, data, privacy, regulation and compliance in the health care sector. We provide a structured approach using agile methodology and setting clear goals.

Who We Are

 Dominik Geller

Passionate to collaboratively advance healthcare and empower citizens
  • Ing. ETH IT and Computer Science,  EMBL-HSG EU and International Business Law
  • 20+ years multidisciplinary international leadership in Pharma/Diagnostic, Roche & Sanofi
  • Digital and data governance, risk and compliance, privacy technology and secondary use of data, transformation and change management
  • Impact assessment, advocacy on EU data law and European Health Data Space, AI, strategy response
  • Strategy, technology evaluation and solutions to seize opportunities, designed to sustain in regulatory conformance


Ralph C. Schimmer
Medical Advisor and future Board Member

  • MD, MBA
  • 20+ years Pharma and Diagnostics experience at senior leadership levels in clinical development, medical affairs and access, safety risk management, marketing and sales
  • Extensive disease area expertise
  • Former Chief Medical Officer and SVP at Roche
  • Professor of Medicine at University of Zurich


Riddhiman Das

Advisor and future Board Member

  • Master Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri, Kansas City
  • Founder and CEO of TripleBlind
  • Formerly venture capital technology investments at Ant Financial (Alibaba Group, for Alipay) following successful development and exit of Biometric EyeVerify
  • Serial entrepreneur and innovator, developer, architect and CTO in software and product development. 2013 Champions of Change from President Obama

Dipak Kalra


  • Professor, PhD, MD, FRCGP, FACMI, FBCS
  • International expert in electronic health records, their interoperability and reuse, data protection, patient empowerment
  • 30+ years in European R&D, 25+ years in standards development (CEN & ISO) in EHR and health informatics, former London general practitioner
  • Visiting Professor at the University of Gent, President of the European Institute for Innovation through Health Data

Josef Sevcik

Senior Crypto Engineer

  • MBA & Bachelor of Informatics
  • 20+ years of experience in software industry as developer, lead developer, architect and consultant in multiple countries
  • Leadership and architecture in several software development projects
  • Extensive experience in DLT, applied cryptography and digital identities

Martin Sireau

Senior Mobile Developer

  • Mobile developer with 6 years of experience as a freelancer
  • Expertise in developing mobile applications for various platforms
  • UI/UX design integration, database management, and project management
  • Work effectively with clients to understand their requirements and deliver solutions that meet their needs

Ivan Nešić

Senior Data / AI Engineer

  • BSc and MScs in Information Systems & Technology, as well as Electronic Business, and cand. PhD in System Control
  • 10y+ multidisciplinary, international experience in AI, ML, NLP and medical image projects
  • Expertise in digital and data governance, driving adoption and implementation of cutting-edge technology in research
  • Strong background in quant development, mathematical models in finance and risk management
  • Award winning developer and researcher and author of numerous publications in AI, radiology and finance

Niamh O'Shea

Back End / Full Stack Developer

  • BSc in Software Development & Design, studies in Neuroscience
  • Certified agile Project Management Practitioner and Scrum Master
  • 8+ years experience as full stack developer in medical, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries
  • Acknowledged methodical solution-focused, developing process, leading through business requirements and design specifications
  • Web applications, HL7 integration, splitting up applications into micro-services 

Our team of highly qualified experts looks forward to supporting you.