Today personal health data is fragmented across many providers and neither the individual citizen nor a treating physician has oversight. This leads to unnecessary medical and diagnostic procedures and may impair diagnosis, intervention and ultimately outcomes. Access to health data for research and development is often based on ambiguous heterogeneous grounds, complicated and an expensive long process which hinders innovation and ultimately public health. This is widely recognised and substantial efforts in the private and public sector are undertaken to overcome this, such as through the European Health Data Space (EHDS).
This is how we do it:
With our interoperable solution, by design, we aim to leverage and integrate with EHDS and national health data hubs as an Access Service for citizen, so that they can view their personal health data on their smartphone and allow opting-out of, limit, or explicitly consent where so required to the processing of their data. We connect and allow others to connect to their health data sources such as clinical study data, registries or observatories.
Users can exercise their rights to information, deletion, access and use with any connected data source. They can receive a copy of their data held with a provider on their own device.
As a provider you empower your subjects as users to access their own data and smoothly handle bulk requests in self-service.
You can connect devices, which generate or report health relevant user data to manage a condition or intervention comprehensively. This includes Patient Reported Experience or Outcome applications, wearables and medical devices.
Opt-out of secondary use or consent to a new (secondary) use of data held or obtain access to eligible user data from other sources which you need for a specific intended processing or transfer.
You may offer and earn a fair compensation for making your data available. You can always offer data altruistically and choose to share de-identified or aggregate data only.
You can join and link connected data sources at the level of the individual for a particular purpose for any user who agreed to you doing so. This enables insights and Real World Evidence (RWE) across public and private sector health data and multiple sources.
Share information and data requests with individuals who remain anonymous yet are eligible, based on their personal health data criteria that you define. This enables sourcing Real World Data (RWD) and patient recruiting for clinical trials or RWE. It also allows blinded interaction with individuals in a clinical trial setting and medical information sharing at eligible population level (e.g., sponsor-subject communication).
Privacy preserving distributed analytics enable that you can evaluate health statistics and parameters across defined populations in dashboards or specific studies, particularly useful for public health monitoring, patient communities and benchmarking in disease management and behavioral nudging.
Qualified 3rd party services such as telemedicine services, medical device or patient community and support capabilities can connect to our platform and personalize their offering and produce results based on the user's individual health data, without that data being skimmed-off or leaving their device unintentionally.